" Feeling deeply sad, lost or bored with your life circumstances, unmotivated to seek change or make improvements, constantly tired, and withdrawing from friends and family can be signs of depression." Dr.Pandolfi
Do you struggle with depression?
You might be wondering how you can move forward in your life when you feel stuck where you are. And that's a concern we commonly hear from clients.
It’s tough wake up each day feeling worn out before you barely get out of bed. When you're depressed, you feel tired all the time, but no matter how much sleep you get, it isn't restful and refreshing.
You might think that talking to a counselor won't help. But good research shows that it does.
Pandolfi Counseling Associates is here to help.
Depression often produces a poor appetite. Maybe you're eating too much junk food for a quick pick-you-up, but soon those empty calories just lower your energy. Or maybe you have no appetite at all. Either way, your body and brain aren't getting nourished, so the depressed feelings get deeper.
It's true what you've heard about food being medicine. And I can help you review how your meals and snacks can help your mind and emotions feel more in balance and happy.
Depression can show up as a constantly negative and irritable mood. Without good counseling, these traits can ruin relationships, and even put your job at risk if your work performance is affected.
As a solution focused specialist, we are here to help you end the depression-driven interpersonal conflicts.
Depression shuts you off from taking an interest in the possibilities around you, and robs you of the motivation to keep trying to climb out of its grasp. It makes you think things will stay bleak like this forever -- but that doesn't have to be true for you.
As your healthy living specialist in overcoming depression, Pandolfi Counseling Associates will offer a lot of ways to help. Make an appointment now, and let's get you on track to ending the struggle with depression.

Working Towards a Brighter Future
Have a particular life obstacle you’re trying to overcome? Sometimes, seeking help from a certified expert is the best way to put things into perspective. As committed, professional Therapists in the cities of New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, and California, your well-being and mental strength is my number one priority. I’m happy to guide you through all of life’s challenges with the attention and care you deserve.